Guizhou University (贵州大学)

About the university

Location: Guizhou, China

(international name – Guizhou University) was opened at the beginning of the 20th century, in 1902. Since then, it has been hosting students on the main campus in Guiyan City. The university is located in Yunnan province, one of the most beautiful and unusual places in China. It is here that most of the country’s national minorities live.

The importance of the educational institution in the life of the Celestial Empire is evidenced by the fact that it is an active participant in the “211” project.

University ranking and benefits

Today the university occupies a leading position in the educational services market in China and around the world. Every year it is included in the list of 5% of the most popular universities with a traditionally high level of teaching. A place in the ranking of the best universities in the world – 1472, in the ranking of the most demanded institutions in China – 132.

The following advantages of the university are noted:

  • various options for learning Chinese for foreigners;
  • availability of an exchange program with Clinton Presbyterian College (South Carolina, USA);
  • high professional level of teaching staff, including many foreigners (including representatives of the US Peace Corps);
  • organization of cultural events for international students.

This institute will be a good option for those who want to study in the Middle Kingdom, but cannot afford education in large cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, etc. It is also here that it is recommended to apply for applicants wishing to specialize in the study of the Chinese language.

Composition and infrastructure

Today, the number of students exceeds 45,000. Among them there are both Chinese and foreign citizens. The Institute actively participates in international exchange programs. Almost 5000 teachers of various specialties work with students, who not only give lectures, but also organize specialized practical classes.

In addition to academic buildings, the university campus includes sports grounds and recreational areas. The necessary literature is allowed to be taken from the library, where there is, among other things, an electronic catalog.

Admission and tuition fees

The academic year is divided into two semesters, as in most institutions in the Middle Kingdom. Enrollment in Guizhou University is based on the results of exams, one of which is Chinese (for undergraduate to doctoral programs). A prerequisite is the presence of a health certificate, a sample of which can be downloaded on the official website of the educational institution.

Tuition starts at 900 rmb / $ 135 for a short term Chinese study program. Tuition fees at the bachelor level, etc. it is recommended to check at the official address [email protected].


Since the institute belongs to public educational institutions, applicants have the right to apply for a government scholarship. Apply for it with an invitation from the university. The university also offers its own financial support to international students with good academic performance.

Studying programs

Among the educational programs for which Kazakh students can apply are bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral studies. It is possible to organize a system of continuous education, starting with a bachelor’s degree and ending with obtaining a scientific degree.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the program for the study of the Chinese language and culture, which is available on a short and long-term basis (from 2 weeks to 2 years). For those who wish, a 4-week summer school is organized, which also includes a cultural program.


The university includes eleven divisions offering programs at the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral levels. Among them are the following areas:

  • Natural Sciences.
  • The medicine.
  • Agronomy.
  • Economy.
  • Management and administration.
  • Laws.
  • History.
  • Pedagogy.
  • Philosophy.
  • Art.

The total number of educational units at the institute is 39.


Visitors from other cities and countries are offered places in hostels located right on the campus, which has 4500 sq. meters. Accommodation costs range from $ 410 to $ 827, depending on the type of room. Each room is equipped with everything necessary for living.


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