Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics (浙江财经学院)

About the university

Location: Hangzhou, China

Official full name – Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics
The traditional name in Chinese is 浙江财经学院
Abbreviated – ZUFE

State University ZUFE successfully develops in various fields of study, including economics, management, law, science, engineering, humanities and arts. ZUFE is an outstanding university that has received many awards from financial and economic institutions in China.

The university is located in Hangzhou, the provincial capital of Zhejiang province and one of the most modern and prosperous cities in China. The institution was founded in December 1974 as the Zhejiang Provincial Academy of Public Finance and Banking. Later in 1987, the institution was renamed the Institute, and only in 2013 it was named the University of the highest category, which was able to take foreign students from all over the world to study.

University ranking and benefits

Zhejiang University of Economics and Economics is a provincial higher education institution approved by the Ministry of Education. The multidisciplinary institution of finance and economics trains applied, sophisticated and innovative high-level professionals who can actively adapt to the needs of building a socialist market economy and develop moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic capabilities.

The main advantages of ZUFE University:

  • active cooperation with large organizations of the world scale;
  • participation in the PROJECT 211 program;
  • participation in international research events.

ZUFE provides international students with degree programs and long or short term Chinese courses. ZUFE offers 45 Bachelor’s and 38 Master’s programs that are taught in Chinese, all of which are open to international students. He has now also created some programs taught in English for English-speaking students.

University composition and infrastructure

ZUFE has three Xiasha Campus, Campus Venhua and Chang’an Campus, covering a total area of ​​153 hectares. The university consists of 14 schools, two educational institutions of the highest category, one retraining college and 51 research areas.

The full composition of the university:

  • 1326 employees of various directions, of which 910 are scientific teachers, 155 are professors, 324 are associate professors;
  • 24,000 full-time students, of which 7% are foreign students.

On campus, there are training centers, research facilities, a library with a total collection of more than 2.33 million copies of publications.

Admission and tuition fees

The cost of training for a Bachelor’s degree is 16,000 yuan, for a Master’s degree – 20,000 yuan per year. The cost of language courses for the study and preparation of the Chinese language is 14,000 yuan per year.

As a creative and dynamic higher education institution, ZUFE has always attached great importance to international exchanges and cooperation with foreign universities. Until now, close and collaborative relationships have been established with 69 universities and research institutes in nearly 20 countries and regions, including the USA, UK, France, Denmark, Japan, Korea and Australia.

Requirements for applicants:

  • over 18 years of age;
  • excellent physical condition and ability to learn;
  • high school diploma;
  • knowledge of the Chinese language reaching HSK Grade 3 or higher (Copy of HSK test results).

Period of study: from February to the end of June each year for the spring semester and from the beginning of September to the end of January of each year for the fall semester. The exact start date for each semester may differ from year to year.

All study levels consist of compulsory and elective courses. Required courses include comprehensive Chinese readings, Chinese listening and speaking, introduction to Chinese culture, etc. Selective courses include Chinese tourism culture, introduction to Chinese attractions, social etiquette, table tennis, basic Chinese law.

There are now schools that can provide undergraduate and graduate programs taught in English. Candidates with a good command of the English language can apply directly for graduate and postgraduate programs.


The institution offers scholarships to successful students. Both ZUFE and Zhejiang Provincial Governments offer various scholarships to outstanding international students, so there are many kinds of separate scholarships for them.

Studying programs

  • Economics and Management in Agriculture and Forestry
  • international trade
  • Finance and accounting
  • international trade
  • Applied statistics
  • Applied statistics
  • China International Education
  • Computer Science and Technology
  • Digital media art
  • Economic statistics
  • Business management
  • Design management
  • English language and literature
  • Japanese language and literature
  • Environmental design
  • Financial management
  • Urban and rural planning
  • Information and Computer Science
  • Information and Technology Management
  • Labor and social security
  • Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
  • The photo
  • Visual communication design
  • Internet + direction of financial and business analytics


  • School of Finance and Taxation
  • School of Public Administration
  • School of Accounting
  • School of Finance
  • Business Administration Center
  • Information and Engineering Management Center
  • School of Economics
  • Faculty of Law
  • Foreign language School
  • School of Data Science
  • School of Humanities and Communication
  • Faculty of Arts


ZUFE University provides all nonresident students with accommodation on campus in student residences. The international student rooms are well equipped. They have air conditioners, water dispensers, furniture, bedding and more. The monthly rent for a single room is RMB 800 or RMB 500 per person for a double room. The rent does not include electricity, water and internet bills.

Another option for international students is to live on a campus near the university. The monthly rent for a furnished apartment ranges from 1200 to 1600 RMB. Off-campus students must bring their rental documents to the International Student Office (SIE) for registration.



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