Xidian University (西安电子科技大学)

About the university

Location: Xian, China

Xidian University is a center for training and high-tech research in the field of electronic information with integration into engineering, law and the humanities, business administration. Xidian University is in a special account with the Ministry of Education of China, it is included in the elite class of higher educational institutions. He is a participant in the national projects for the development of education in China – “211” and “985”.

University ranking and benefits

Ranking in China: 46

  • 38 Scientific and Technological Innovation
  • 45 in the competitiveness ranking, as well as by the criterion of learning and teaching
  • 49 by research criterion

Industry ranking in China:

  • 7 in computer science
  • 36 in engineering

Industry ranking in the world:

  • 51-75 in Computer Science and Technology

Xidian University Global Topical Ranking by US News & World Report 2019:

  • 30 in Computer Science
  • 177 in mechanical engineering

In 2018, the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) was 600-700 best universities in the world.

As part of the development of international and domestic exchange programs, agreements were concluded with universities and research institutes in more than 70 countries and regions. Also, the university has established a long-term strategic partnership with domestic research institutes and centers in the field of electronics and aviation. Forty-five transnational corporations, including Infineon, Intel, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, actively cooperate with Xidian University.

Composition and infrastructure

Xidian University is located in the ancient cultural city of Xi’an. In a city that is just perfect for exploring Chinese culture and history. The Terracotta Army, the so-called 8 wonder of the world, is located here.

On the territory of the university, the total area of ​​which is almost 300 hectares, there are two campuses. For living, study, research and hobby, about 1.5 million m2 have been rebuilt. Two libraries contain 6.14 million educational materials, of which about 2.34 million books and about 3.8 million electronic documents.

By the number of students, Xidian is a representative of the category of large universities – about 40,000 students study here, 2% of whom are foreigners. Among the 2,800 teaching staff of Xidian University, 8 are academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 40% of the staff have doctoral and master’s degrees.

During its existence, from 1931 to 2018, Xidian has trained over 200,000 professionals. In the new era of the knowledge economy and the digital age, Xidian is working hard to modernize itself into an international, innovative university with distinctive features, the first in China and renowned worldwide.

Admission and tuition fees

To apply to Xidian University, you must collect a minimum package of documents – a school certificate of 11 years of education, a passport, a health certificate. After the approval of the applicant’s candidacy by the university commission and the receipt of an invitation, they will have to undergo an introductory test. Tuition fees for all levels are about $ 2000 per year of study. With successful academic performance, the student is guaranteed a scholarship. Options for obtaining education in a number of specialties in English are available.


Currently, Xidian University has 160 grant places for applicants who come from overseas. Over the past several years, Xidian has added an average of 5 new places to its grants annually through its internationalization program. It should be borne in mind that the high popularity of this university creates competition among those wishing to study here, the university is quite picky about future students in relation to students, but absolutely everyone has a chance to get a grant.

Studying programs

BACHELOR – duration of study is 4 years, cost of $ 1830 per year on average

Engineering specialty

Language of instruction – English:

  • Electronic and Information Engineering
  • Communication engineering

Language of instruction – Chinese:

  • Communication engineering
  • Information Engineering
  • Electronic and Information Engineering
  • Network engineering
  • Electrical engineering and automation
  • Automation
  • Mechanical design, manufacturing and automation
  • Electronic Information Science and Technology
  • Industrial engineering
  • Software engineering
  • Microelectronic Science and Technology
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Materials Science and Engineering

Specialty Science and Technology

Language of instruction – English:

  • Computer Science and Technology

Language of instruction – Chinese:

  • Space information and digital technologies
  • Intellectual Science and Technology
  • Remote sensing science and technology
  • Internet of Things
  • Measurement and control of technologies and instruments
  • Applied Physics
  • Optical information science and technology
  • Electronic Science and Technology
  • Information management and information systems
  • Mathematics and applied mathematics
  • Information and Computing Science
  • Integrated circuits and complex systems
  • Biotechnology
  • Space science and technology
  • Navigation and control systems
  • Applied chemistry

Specialty art and design

Language of instruction – Chinese:

  • Industrial Design

Specialty economics

Language of instruction – Chinese:

  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Statistics

Specialty business and management

Language of instruction – English:

  • Business and management

Language of instruction – Chinese:

  • Business and management
  • Human resource management
  • E-commerce
  • Administrative management

Specialty education and social sciences

Language of instruction – Chinese:

  • Labor and social protection
  • Philosophy

Specialty languages ​​and literature

  • Chinese language and literature
  • English language
  • Japanese
  • Translation Studies

MASTERS – the language of instruction is only Chinese, the duration of study is 4 years, the cost of $ 1,760 per year on average

Specialty economics

  • Economy

Specialty business and management

  • Business and management

Engineering specialty

  • Engineering

Specialty Science and Technology

  • Science and technology

Specialty languages ​​and literature

  • Languages ​​and Literature

Specialty education and social sciences

  • Education and social sciences


For nonresident and foreign students at Xidian University, dormitories are provided where comfortable conditions are created. There are several options for accommodation: studio rooms, apartment-type apartments, three rooms with a shared bathroom and kitchen. The cost for a month of residence is from 325 to 850 dollars.



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