Xi’an Jiaotong University (西安交通大学)

About the university

Location: Xi’an, China

Official full name – Xi’an Jiaotong University
The original name in Chinese is 西安交通大学
Abbreviated – XJTU

Xi’an Transport University is located in Xi’an, a city that promotes cultural learning. The educational institution is considered the best not only in China, but throughout Asia. XJTU actively liaises with the best universities in the USA, Canada, Japan and the UK. And he participates in developments with world research organizations in the transport sector.

XJTU University was founded in 1896 by a well-known politician and entrepreneur from the Qing Dynasty. XJTU is a national key university under the direct jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education. Its predecessor was the Shanghai Industrial College. Later in 1959, the institution was awarded the title of Xi’an Jiaotong University. It is the earliest university founded in modern Chinese history.

University ranking and benefits

XJTU University occupies high ranking positions in Asia, because its motto is the slogan – “Harmony, silence, discretion and accuracy.” Thanks to this approach to the teaching process, the university quickly became a leader in Xi’an. Currently, the university is one of the 10 best educational institutions in China.

Advantages of XJTU University:

  • participation in the PROJECT 211 program;
  • participation in the international student exchange program;
  • participation in international research programs in the field of transport.

Currently, the student-to-teacher ratio is 1:14, which is higher than that established by the Chinese state. The campus has the only national high performance computing center in the western region that helps visually solve complex engineering problems.

University composition and infrastructure

The Xi’an Jiaotong University campus is divided into three campuses: Xingqing, Yanta and Qujiang. The total area of ​​the campus is 3.849 hectares. Among them, Xingqing Campus is the main campus, Yanta Campus is the financial and medical school, and Qujiang Campus is the XJTU Science Park.

The full composition of the university:

  • more than 5,500 teachers, including specialists from the USA, Japan, South Korea;
  • more than 30,000 students, of which about 900 are foreigners.

XJTU has 78 master’s degrees, 27 main disciplines, 154 doctoral ancillary subjects, 41 first-level disciplines, 242 master’s subsidiary points, a Bachelor’s degree and 18 authorization points. The training centers operate eight core national key levels, 37 core national second-level disciplines, three core secondary disciplines and 115 core disciplines at the provincial and ministerial levels. He holds a master’s degree in engineering, a master’s degree in clinical medicine, 9 professional degrees such as MBA and MPA, 22 mobile stations, 5 national key laboratories, 4 national professional and special laboratories, 2 national engineering research centers and 9 educational programs. Ministry key laboratory, 2 Ministry of Education Engineering Research Centers, 2 Ministry of Health main laboratories, 16 provincial main research bases and 3 provincial humanitarian main research bases. A technologically advanced infrastructure allows teaching students at the highest level.

Admission and tuition fees

Admission to XJTU is based on a total score from a previous place of study. The applicant must provide a Certificate for 11 classes and a package of documents, which must be sent electronically in advance to the official website of the institution.

Tuition fees at XJTU per year:

  • registration mandatory fee – 400 yuan;
  • insurance – 550 yuan;
  • language program – 14,000 yuan;
  • Bachelor’s degree from 18,000 to 38,000 RMB;
  • Master’s degrees from 28,000 to 42,000 yuan.

Almost all training programs are carried out in Chinese, so an HSK certificate is required. If desired, students can attend additional classes: extensive reading, Chinese culture, HSK preparation, as well as cultural events.


XJTU University, like many other educational institutions in China, provide successful students with legislative grants that entitle them to preferential tuition for undergraduate degrees. The average score in subjects must be at least 80. To use the grant, you must apply in advance.

Studying programs

  • Natural and applied sciences
  • Engineering mechanical engineering
  • Energy and mechanical engineering (Thermophysics)
  • Microelectronics and semiconductor electronics
  • Nuclear energy
  • Chinese language and Chinese literature
  • Industrial economy
  • Jurisprudence
  • Control
  • The medicine
  • Art


  • School of Science
  • School of Mathematics and Statistics
  • College of Mechanical Engineering
  • College of Electrical Engineering
  • School of Energy and Energy
  • Faculty of Electronics and Computer Science
  • School of Software
  • School of Materials Science and Engineering
  • Center for Human Settlements and Architectural Engineering
  • Aerospace Academy
  • School of Life Science and Technology
  • Primary Medical College
  • School of Management
  • Center for Economics and Finance
  • Center for Humanities and Social Sciences
  • School of Public Administration
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Foreign Languages


XJTU University provides all nonresident students with dormitory accommodation, which is located on campus. The cost of living in a single room is 40-65 yuan, in a double room – 24-35 yuan per day. A deluxe room costs from 80 to 130 yuan per day. Also on campus there is a student canteen, a cafe and a small restaurant.

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