Xi’an International Studies University (西安外国语大学)

About the university

Location: Xi’an, China

The official full name is Xi’an International Studies University
In Chinese – 西安 外国语 大学
Abbreviated – XISU or SUIYA

Xi’an International Studies University ​​is located in Xi’an City (Shaanxi Province) and is the only educational institution located in the northern region of China. XISU is considered one of the universities with the world’s foreign language departments and G8 university membership. The G8 belongs to a group of eight universities of foreign languages ​​and international studies in China that have an academic specialization in foreign language teaching and international studies.

The FISC institution was created in 1952 as the Institute of Foreign Languages, which included the Russian Language College. In 1979 he began his graduate programs in linguistics and literature. In 1995 he merged the Shaanxi School of Foreign Languages, which is its current campus in Yanta, and in 2005 it was renamed Xi’an International Studies University.

University ranking and benefits

XISU Public University occupies a high position in the ranking in the country and is among the 400 best educational institutions of the PRC. In the international ranking it is included in the 1000 best linguistic universities.

Benefits of establishing XISU:

  • availability of state grants for foreign students;
  • participation in the PROJECT 211 program;
  • the presence of the faculty of the other languages.

University Composition and Infrastructure

SUIYA University is formed in the form of two micro-districts that cover an area of ​​160 hectares. The campus has 27 independent colleges, faculties and institutes. The classrooms are equipped with advanced computers for effective teaching.

The full composition of XISU University:

  • 1,500 teachers of the highest category, of which 10% are specialists from the USA, Canada, Japan, France;
  • 15,000 full-time students, of which 30% are foreigners;
  • 9,000 correspondence students.

The infrastructure of the institution is quite developed and, in addition to classrooms, includes: computer rooms and centers, research centers, sports grounds, libraries, cafes.

Admission and tuition fees

Admission to the FISC university is carried out on a general basis provided for by the legislation of the PRC. The applicant is obliged to provide the admissions committee with a Certificate for 11 classes and an HSK certificate of at least level 4. The university actively contributes to obtaining HSK, so you can take a language program and take an exam directly at the institution itself.

Tuition fees at XISU per year:

  • Language course from 10,000 to 15,000 yuan;
  • Bachelor’s degree from 13,000 to 17,000 yuan;
  • Master’s degree from 15,000 to 21,000 yuan;
  • registration mandatory fee – 660 yuan one-time;
  • insurance – 800 yuan.

It should be remembered that upon arriving in Xi’an, you must register at the university and purchase Chinese health insurance.


Since 2006, SUIA has opened a legislative grant for foreign students, which gives the right to use preferential education. Currently, more than 300 foreign students study with 100% and 50% discounts. A student who missed classes up to 3% of the total number of classes per year is deprived of the grant, up to 10% of the total number of classes per semester is expelled from the university.

Studying programs

  • Languages ​​and Literature
  • Chinese language and literature
  • International relationships
  • Management and law
  • Tourism
  • Mass communication and education
  • International politics and diplomacy


XISU University offers specialized training in 43 Bachelor’s programs and 26 Master’s programs.

The main faculties that are available to foreign students:

  • Chinese language and literature
  • international relationships
  • international policy and diplomacy


XISU University provides nonresident students with accommodation on campus in a comfortable hostel, which is shaped like a hotel. The rooms are equipped with all necessary furniture. The average cost of living in a double room is 30-60 yuan, in a single room – 50-70 yuan per day.



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