Kunming University of Science and Technology (昆明理工大学)

About the university

Location: Kunming, China

Kunming University of Science and Technology) has been operating since 1954. The university is the largest educational institution in Yunnan province, one of the most picturesque and distinctive regions of China.

University ranking and benefits

Despite the fact that the institute is located far from major economic and political centers of China, it is regularly included in the lists of the best educational institutions in the country. In addition, the university is one of the 5% most popular universities in the world.

The benefits of learning here include:

  • Issuance of a state diploma, which is highly regarded by employers.
  • A strong teaching program of not only specialized disciplines, but also the Chinese language.
  • The presence of numerous international exchange programs.

The institute is famous for its classic educational approach and highly qualified teaching staff.

Composition and infrastructure

The number of students reaches 45,000 people, while among them there are both representatives of different cities in China and foreigners. The campus of the institute is equipped in such a way as to create optimal conditions for all students. A library with a reading room, sports grounds and halls, etc. is equipped for them. Also on campus there are laboratories and research centers where active scientific research is carried out.

Admission and tuition fees

Enrollment in the course is based on the results of examination tests. All applicants must provide a specific list of documents (copies of a passport, diploma, health certificate, etc.).

The price of training depends on a specific specialty and is determined upon request.


The university belongs to state universities, in connection with which applicants are eligible for two types of scholarships:

  • university grant;
  • subsidized by the Government of China.

In the latter case, documents for a scholarship should be applied after submitting documents to the institute. Detailed conditions for applicants for the institute’s own grant can be found on the official website of the educational institution.

Studying programs

The university offers a wide range of programs for the following levels of education:

  • Undergraduate program: duration – 4-5 years.
  • Master’s degree: duration – 3 years.
  • Doctoral studies: duration – 3-8 years.

Among the programs studied are:

  • geology;
  • metallurgy;
  • industrial engineering;
  • business administration;
  • biomedical engineering;
  • pharmaceuticals;
  • translation studies;
  • journalism.

Moreover, most of the specialties are available, including at the doctoral level.


The main area of ​​work is scientific and technological education. Here are some of the more well-known schools that make up the university:

  • Metallurgy and Power Engineering.
  • Civil Engineering and Mechanics.
  • Architecture and urban planning.
  • Chemical Engineering.
  • Aeronautics.
  • Transport engineering.

Recently, on the basis of the institute, the humanitarian areas of education have also functioned (for example, faculties of arts, social sciences, foreign languages ​​and cultures, etc.)


The university has a hostel where all foreign students can be accommodated. A variety of activities are organized for international students that give them the chance to get to know the local language and culture better.



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