Dalian University of Foreign Languages (大连外国语大学汉学院)

About the university

Dalian University of Foreign Languages ​​(DLUFL, 大连 外国语 大学 汉 学院 dàlián wàiguóyǔ dàxué hàn xuéyuàn) is located in the picturesque port city of Dalian. It is one of the first universities to teach undergraduate Chinese to international students in China. Also, the university is the base of the HSK National Examination Center, an international center for the promotion of the Chinese language and a center for Sino-Russian relations. Dalian University supports Confucius Institutes and also accepts students with scholarships from the Chinese government. The university has seven divisions of the Confucius Institute, one of them in Russia on the basis of the Novosibirsk National Technical University, one in Armenia on the basis of the V. Bryusov State Linguistic University.

Since 1985, Dalian University’s School of Chinese Studies has trained over 100,000 foreign students from over 50 countries. Many university graduates successfully work in the fields of trade, education, cultural exchange, and also hold important diplomatic posts in different countries. In terms of the number of foreign students, the university is among the first both in the northeast of China and throughout the country.

Dalian University of Foreign Languages ​​is:

  1. Large gradation of levels: beginner, elementary, intermediate, advanced and others. Beginner and intermediate lessons can be divided into crash courses and regular courses.
  2. Experienced Qualified Teachers: Since 1985, the School of Sinology has trained over 100,000 international students from over 50 countries.
  3. A rich cultural program: free courses and lectures on calligraphy, painting, kung fu, Tai Chi, Er Hu, Chinese lute and others are offered. Students can take part in various activities such as excursions, Chinese speech and song contests, sports games, Christmas evenings and more. In addition, students can take language practice in Beijing and Xian.
  4. Nice and well equipped campus: total area of ​​university and dormitory: 429,000 m2. The university has multimedia classes, language laboratories, a gym, a library, etc. The rooms are equipped with a telephone, satellite TV, high-speed Internet, separate toilet, kitchen. On campus there are ATMs, a post office, photo studios, shops, hairdressers, bakeries and other infrastructure.
  5. Communication with Chinese students: it is much more interesting to learn a language when you have friends with whom you can speak it!


The university teaches Chinese to international students. There are short courses, bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Every year about 1500 foreigners study at the university.

Short courses

The university is recruiting for short-term Chinese courses in the summer (from July 14 to August 8, 4 weeks). The courses are divided by difficulty into beginner, elementary, intermediate and advanced levels. Group size: 5 to 25 people. On weekends, students can take a short excursion to their liking or study additional subjects such as Chinese Calligraphy, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, and others.

Registration period for courses: March 24 – June 27.

Tuition fees: from 2650 yuan – one week – up to 4600 yuan – a month.

Cost of living:

  • dorm room for two – 60 yuan (~ 350 rubles) per person per day (~ 10,000 rubles for 4 weeks);
  • room for one – 100 yuan (~ 580 rubles) per day (~ 16 200 rubles for 4 weeks).
  • Insurance: Students must purchase insurance for 30 yuan (~ 170 rubles) per day (~ 4760 rubles for 4 weeks).

Documents for admission:

  • completed application form;
  • medical examination certificate (if the period of stay in China is more than six months);
  • 2 photos 30×40 mm on a white background;
  • copy of passport (foreign).

Other description

(international name – DUFL: Dalian University of Foreign Languages). Initially, only Japanese was studied here, which was taught to future diplomats and employees of the PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, since time the university has developed, new faculties and directions have been opened, so today among the graduates there are not only linguists, but also workers in the tourism sector, specialists in the humanities, etc.

Located in the coastal city of Dalian, the institute offers the opportunity to combine study with leisure and sightseeing. The locals are extremely friendly towards foreigners, which provides additional opportunities for language practice.

University ranking and benefits

Among the institutions in the region, Dalian University of Foreign Languages ​​stands out for being directly subordinate to the Ministry of Education of China. Thus, the educational process here always takes place under the close attention of the authorities and is traditionally at a high level.

The main advantages of the university are:

  • The presence of a large number of programs for different levels (bachelor’s, master’s, etc.).
  • The opportunity to take part in exchange programs with universities around the world (partner universities are located in more than thirty countries).
  • Adequate pricing policy: the cost of training is lower than in popular cities in China (Shanghai, Beijing, etc.), but the level of knowledge does not decrease from this.
  • Issuance of a state diploma, which is highly rated in the job market.

Most of all, training here is suitable for those who want to get a prestigious profession (translator, lawyer, etc.), but at the same time are not ready to overpay and spend extra money on life in the megalopolises of the Middle Kingdom.

Composition and infrastructure

Today the university is one of the largest educational institutions in Liaoning province. It includes not only several buildings, but also twenty-one research centers, where scientific research in the field of linguistics, philology and other humanitarian disciplines is carried out. The total number of students exceeds 15,000, with both Chinese residents and foreigners entering here.

Classrooms for lectures and practical classes are equipped with everything you need. There are also sports facilities on campus and a library with books in Chinese and foreign languages.

Admission and tuition fees

University tuition fees vary depending on the type of program:

  • Chinese language (standard course): duration – 1 semester, 9750 rmb / 1500 $.
  • Chinese (standard course): duration – 1 year, 17900 rmb / 2750 $.
  • Chinese language (business course): duration – 1 semester, 10000 rmb / 1530 $.
  • Chinese language (intensive course): duration – 1 semester, 9750 rmb / 1500 $.
  • Undergraduate (in Chinese): duration – 4 years, 19900 rmb / 3050 $.
  • Master’s degree (in Chinese): duration – 2 years, 24000 rmb / 3690 $.

The following requirements are imposed on applicants:

  • The age threshold is from 18 years.
  • Completed school education (a copy of the certificate with grades is provided).
  • HSK-5 certificate (for undergraduate applicants).
  • HSK-6 certificate (for those entering the magistracy).


Like other public universities, Dalian Foreign Language University is part of the Chinese Government Scholarship Program. The grant is awarded to international students based on a rigorous selection process. At the same time, documents for funding should be submitted in parallel with the process of entering the institute. Details on the conditions and specifics of obtaining a scholarship are stated on the website of the Government of the PRC.

Studying programs

The main direction of training foreign students is bachelor’s degree. It is for this academic level that twenty-four of the thirty-three programs taught for international groups are designed. The main priority is given to Russian, Japanese and English philology; it is these areas that are recognized as key for the university.

In addition to the specified specializations, applicants can apply for the following programs:

  • Chinese as a foreign language.
  • French / German / Portuguese / Arabic / Spanish Literature and Philology.
  • Tourism management.
  • Art and design.
  • Computer science and technology.
  • Journalism.
  • World economy and trade.
  • Musicology.

For those wishing to study in doctoral studies, there is one program – “Studies of Diplomacy.”


Most of the specialties taught at the institute belong to the Faculty of Philology. Both Chinese specialists in the field of pedagogy and linguistics and foreign teachers work here. Among other areas of training, the following stand out:

  • Art criticism.
  • International economics.
  • Informatics and information technology.
  • Tourism.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the department of Chinese as a foreign language. This is one of the traditional areas of work of the university, which has always been famous for the high level of training of graduates.


The campus of the university is located near the center of Dalian and the Pacific coast. Foreign students are offered accommodation in the first building of a comfortable hostel. Depending on the type of room, the cost of accommodation is:

  • Single room – 100 rmb / 15 $ per person per day.
  • Double room – 50 rmb / 7 $ per person per day.

All rooms have an Internet connection and television, telephone and private bathroom. Cooking is prohibited in the hostel, special dining areas are equipped for eating. Students can spend their free time in the hall, where there are recreational areas.

Attention! Off-campus accommodation is not recommended for students from abroad!


Address: 6, Xiduan, Nanlu, Lvshun, Dalian, China
Post index: 116044
Tel. in China: 86-411-86115286
Fax: 86-411-86115296
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Official website: dlufl.edu.cn
School of Sinology website: scs.dlufl.edu.cn

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