Nankai University (南开大学)

About the university

Location: Tianjin, China

Nankai University is located in Tianjin City. It was created in 1919 and has become quite popular in China during its history. The university has 17 faculties, a rich library and all conditions for training specialists of the widest profile.

Since 1954, Nankai University began to accept foreign students for training.

Due to the large number of foreign students wishing to study Chinese, a special institute was even organized at Nankai University – the Institute of the Chinese Language.

The university has courses for improving the Chinese language (both short-term up to 4 months and long-term up to 2 years), full-time education (4 years), postgraduate studies (2-3 years), doctoral studies (3-5 years).


Nankai University (international name – Nankai University) is located in the large commercial city of Tianjin, a business center not far from Beijing. Having started its work in 1919, by now the university has achieved international recognition and is famous for the best graduates and teachers in the field of business, economics, law and natural sciences.

Much attention is paid to the practical and research work of students. Under the leadership of the Ministry of Education of China, teachers and students of the institute conduct experiments, experiments and scientific research on the most modern equipment.

University ranking and benefits

Traditionally, Nankai University is included in the TOP-15 of the most prestigious educational institutions of the Celestial Empire. It can also be found in the list of 5% of the most demanded institutions in the world. The level of teaching is especially well developed here, which is noted not only in Chinese, but also in international reports.

The main advantages of the university include:

  • Classical approach to teaching: theoretical knowledge is at a traditionally high level and is combined with practical work.
  • A large number of language programs, bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
  • Assistance with employment after graduation: graduates are offered jobs at leading enterprises in the PRC.
  • Affordable cost of education and accommodation for guests from abroad.

Composition and infrastructure

Currently, more than 24,000 students study at the university, with 3% of them being foreigners. The faculty is represented by 2,100 people, among whom there are several academicians known throughout the world for research activities in the field of chemistry, physics and other natural sciences.

The campus of the university is located in the center of Tianjin, which is rich in various attractions and historical sites. At the service of students there is a library, sports grounds, a stadium, a large number of laboratories and research centers.

Admission and tuition fees

The cost of training is:

Type of program Language of instruction Price
Short-term language program Chinese 850 rmb (135 $) / week
Long-term language program Chinese 7000 rmb (1110 $) / semester
Bachelor in Medicine and Pharmacy Chinese 35000 rmb (5555 $)
Bachelor of Medicine English  64000 rmb (10155 $)
Bachelor in Business and Management Chinese 20000 rmb (3175$)
Bachelor in Business and Management English 50000 rmb (7935$)
Bachelor’s Degree in Languages ​​and Literature, Art and Design, Education and Social Sciences, Law, Economics Chinese 20000 rmb (3175$)
Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Science and Technology Chinese 20000 — 25000 rmb (3175$ — 3965$)
Master in all areas Chinese 30500 rmb (4840$)
Doctorate in all areas Chinese 30000 — 39000 rmb (4760$-6190$)

Applicants must be at least 18 years old and have the following documents:

  • A copy of your passport.
  • A copy of the school certificate (for applicants for undergraduate and language programs).
  • HSK-4 exam certificate (for applicants for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies).
  • Two letters of recommendation from teachers or scientific advisers (for those applying for a master’s or doctoral degree).

In addition, all applicants go through entrance exams or preliminary interviews (depending on the specialty).


The university is under the direct patronage of the Ministry of Education, so applicants have the opportunity to apply for state scholarship programs (for example, the Chinese Government Scholarship) The institute also offers two of its own options for financial support:

  • With full coverage of all expenses (training, accommodation, textbooks, daily expenses).
  • With 50% coverage of all expenses (the student himself will have to pay about 10,000-12,000 yuan – $ 1585 -1900).

Grants are awarded starting from the first year of study. To obtain them, you must have good academic performance and score at least 80 points on the Chinese language exam.

Studying programs

In addition to short-term and long-term language programs, applicants can apply for:

  • bachelor’s degree;
  • magistracy;
  • doctoral studies.

Bachelor students have the opportunity to study in the following areas:

  • Medicine (in Chinese or English).
  • Pharmaceuticals.
  • Business and Management (in Chinese or English).
  • Languages ​​and Literature.
  • Art and design.
  • Engineering.
  • Science and technology.
  • Education and social sciences.
  • Laws.
  • Economy.

The average term of study is 4 years, for medical specialties – 4-6 years. After receiving a bachelor’s degree, students can continue their education in a master’s degree in their chosen specialty. The term of study is 4 years.


The structure of the modern university includes several colleges, both humanitarian and engineering and medical. In total, the university has over 100 specialties of vocational education.

The College of Chinese Language and Culture, responsible for linguistic programs for foreigners, is included in the list of the 5 best Sinology centers in the PRC.


Foreign citizens can reside on the campus of the university. The hostel has the following accommodation options:

Dormitory Room type  Short stay per day Price long stay per day
Yi Yuan#2 Double room total 65 yuan (10,5$) 50 yuan (8$)
Yi Yuan#2 Double split 130 yuan (20,5$) 100 yuan (15$)
Yi Yuan#2 Single 80 yuan (12,5$) 80 yuan (12,5$)
Yi Yuan#4 Double room total 65 yuan (10,5$) 60 yuan (9,5$)
Yi Yuan#4 Double split 130 yuan (20,5$) 120 yuan (19$)
Yi Yuan#4 Single 80 yuan (12,5$) 80 yuan (12,5$)

All rooms are equipped with hot and cold water, private bathroom, air conditioning, heater, telephone and Internet access.


Official website: (English version)

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