Dalian Polytechnic University (大连工业大学)

About the university

Location: Dalian, China

(international name – Dalian Polytechnic University) was formed in 1958. At that time, the main building was located in the city of Shenyang, but in 1970 it moved to its current location. Initially, the university was tasked with training highly professional personnel to work in the textile, light and food industries. Currently, students are also studying here in the areas of “Art Studies”, “Management”, etc.

University ranking and benefits

The Institute occupies a leading position among educational institutions in the northeastern region of China. In addition to the fact that the university is ranked high in the Middle Kingdom itself, it is also included in the list of 5% of the best institutions in the world. In this case, the most developed areas of study are computer science, mathematics and chemistry.

The main advantages of an educational institution include:

  • Adequate level of training of specialists in the field of polytechnic activity.
  • State diploma that will help you find a job both in China and abroad.
  • Emphasis on practical activities, which allows students to visit the largest industrial enterprises in the country.
  • The optimal ratio of the price and quality of education.

For those who decide to connect their lives with mathematics, engineering, manufacturing jobs, etc., Dalian Polytechnic University will be the best option.

Composition and infrastructure

Today, the university has over 30,000 students, among whom there are both locals and foreigners. About 2,000 teachers, experienced practitioners, work with them, passing on invaluable work experience to new generations.

Recently, international exchange programs have intensified among students and teachers. Every year the university finds new partners abroad and forges intercultural ties.

Students can use the library and sports facilities located on campus. Laboratories and research centers are equipped for practical training. There is also a hostel on the campus.

Admission and tuition fees

The institute recruits foreign students for both language courses and full-fledged academic programs.

Summer school

Every year the university recruits those wishing to learn Chinese for a course lasting from 2 weeks to 3 months. In addition to the basic linguistic subjects, the program includes optional ones: Taijiquan, Ancient Chinese language, calligraphy, etc.

The set of documents for admission is minimal and includes a copy of the passport, and a certificate from the place of last study. The age threshold is from 16 years old, the price of training is from 1800 to 7000 rmb (from $ 278 to $ 1080).

Long-term study of the Chinese language

Courses last one semester or one year. The package of documents includes a copy of the passport, a school certificate with a notarized translation, a health certificate (for those who stay for more than one semester). The age threshold is from 18 to 60 years old, the tuition fee is from 8500 to 16000 yuan (from $ 1313 to $ 2470).


The duration of the program is from 4 to 6 years. School leavers starting from the age of 18 can apply for it (for minors, a guardian is required in Dalian). The package of documents includes:

  • A copy of your passport.
  • A copy of the school certificate with a notarized translation.
  • Health certificate.
  • HSK 4-6 certificate (depending on the specialty).

Also, applicants must pass entrance exams.

Tuition fees range from 19,500 to 25,000 yuan ($ 3010 to $ 3860) per year. Educational literature and registration fee are paid additionally.

Master’s degree

The program lasts 3 years. Applicants under the age of 40 must provide the following documents:

  • A copy of your passport.
  • A copy of the bachelor’s degree with a notarized translation.
  • Letters of recommendation from two teachers.
  • Health certificate.
  • HSK 5-7 certificate (depending on the specialty).

Additionally, an introductory interview is held, which is equivalent to exams.

The cost of the master’s program ranges from 23,000 to 25,800 yuan (from $ 3,550 to $ 3985).


Dalian Polytechnic University is part of the government funding program. Applicants have the opportunity to receive a scholarship from the Government of China. To do this, you must submit an application after entering the university.

Studying programs

The Institute offers four options for programs for foreigners:

  • summer courses;
  • long-term language programs;
  • bachelor’s degree;
  • master’s degree.

Among the areas of higher education, the following can be distinguished, for example:

  • “English language”.
  • “Architecture”.
  • “Biotechnology”.
  • “Applied Physics”.
  • “Ecology”.
  • “Automation”.
  • “Industrial design”.
  • “Operation of networks”.
  • “Pharmaceuticals”.
  • “Engineering Mechanics”.
  • “Logistics”.
  • “Project management”.
  • This list can be continued with many more unique industrial specialties.


The university includes several scientific schools, each of which specializes in a particular sector of industry or another field of science. Among them, such areas as medical technology, food production, biotechnology, etc. stand out. Of the humanitarian subjects, special emphasis is placed on linguistics (Chinese), arts, management, etc.


Foreign students (including those who entered short-term programs) are offered a place on the campus. Depending on the period of study, the cost for one person is:

  • Long-term stays – from 1,350 to 1,800 yuan ($ 205 to $ 275) per month.
  • For short-term stays – from 2,400 to 3,600 yuan ($ 370 to $ 555) per month.

The price is for one person in a double room. All conveniences have been created for students: the room has a bathroom, air conditioning, telephone. There is an internet connection. There are also washing machines and a shared kitchen on the floor.

There are numerous cafeterias and canteens on the campus of the university, where those who do not want to cook on their own can eat. There are also grocery and other stores for students.



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