China University of Petroleum (中國石油大學)

About the university

Location: Qingdao, China

Official full name – China University of Petroleum
The traditional Chinese name is 中國 石油 大學
Abbreviated – UPC

The state-owned China University of Petroleum is a prestigious national institution under the jurisdiction of the PRC Ministry of Education. He is widely recognized for innovative research and development in the petroleum sector. CUP consists of two combined petroleum universities, one in Beijing and one in Qingdao. The main campus is located in a scenic tourism region in Changping County, Beijing, about 15 miles from the Great Wall of China.

CUP National University was established in 1953 as the Beijing Petroleum Institute. Later in 1988 it was renamed by the state authorities to The University of Petroleum of the highest category. It was only in 2004 that China University of Petroleum was named, uniting two universities of world importance.

University ranking and benefits

The CUP educational institution is one of the 1000 best institutions in the PRC, where teaching is carried out by specialized specialists from many countries of the world.

Benefits of CUP:

  • active participation in international research programs;
  • participation in the PROJECT 211 and PROJECT 985 programs;
  • close cooperation with major oil companies of the world scale.

Close cooperation with the oil industry and the international community is one of the principles of the university. After all, about 80% of research projects are sponsored by oil companies, namely China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation (Sinopec) and China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC). Most of the relations of global importance are still very active and productive.

University composition and infrastructure

CUP University has 4 main faculties, 5 additional faculties, 3 schools and 1 research center, which offer 25 Bachelor’s, 99 Master’s and 32 Doctoral programs, as well as programs in the study of the Chinese language. It has 13 research institutes, 30 laboratories, 31 research groups, 5 centers and 2 national key laboratories.

The full composition of the CUP University:

  • 1,900 teachers, of which 450 are associate professors and doctors of science;
  • 12,700 students, of which more than 850 are foreigners.

Graduates receive excellent jobs after completing a full course of study. With a high employment rate (90% for 20 consecutive years), most of the 200,000 graduates are high-paid workers at CNPC, SINOPEC, CNOOC and CHEMCHINA. CUP alumni include Chinese dignitaries and CEOs of major oil companies.

Admission and tuition fees

Since 2011, the CUP institution has been providing training for international students with high subject progress. Admission to a university is carried out on a general basis provided by the Ministry of Education of the PRC. Thanks to the active cooperation of the institution with world corporations in the oil sector, students undergo practical training in well-known companies. Many of them continue to work there.

The cost of training depends not only on the chosen direction, but also on the overall progress of the student. The average cost of training for a Bachelor’s degree is 3,000 USD per year, for a Master’s degree – 6,000 USD.


The institution provides foreign students with a high subject score to take advantage of legislative grants that provide for preferential education and one of the scholarships, namely:

  • Chinese government scholarship
  • Confucius Institute Scholarship
  • University scholarship

Studying programs

  • Chemical Technology
  • Oil and Gas (Engineering; Storage and Transportation)
  • Mineralogy, petrology, geology of minerals
  • Chemical processing equipment
  • Geological Resources and Geological Engineering (Oil and Gas Science)
  • Exploration and exploration of mineral resources
  • Environmental Engineering and Mechanics
  • Oil and gas well
  • Oil and gas storage facilities and transport equipment
  • Development of oil and gas fields
  • Industrial catalysis


  • School of Geotechnical Sciences
  • School of Petroleum Engineering
  • College of Chemical Engineering
  • College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering
  • Information and Control Center
  • College of Piping and Civil Engineering
  • College of Computer and Communication Technology
  • School of Economics and Management
  • Science Center
  • College of Art
  • School of Marxism
  • Physical Education Department


Complex accommodation in a student residence is available to all students throughout their stay at the university. Additionally, the university can extend the guarantee of residence in the case when a graduate gets a job in a Chinese company in his profile. Housing costs are 300-600 USD per month. The tariff standard applies to students who live in a hostel for more than 90 days:

  • One room (north) – 1000RMB per month
  • Double room (south) – 700RMB per month per bed
  • Double room (north) – 600RMB per month per bed

Moreover, each student has the right to Medical Services at the University Health Center.


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