China University of Mining and Technology (中国矿业大学)

About the university

Location: Suzhou, China

Founded in 1909, China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT) is directly administered by the Ministry of Education of China. He is a member of the national programs: “211” and “985”. CUMT is a unique multidisciplinary research university. For a hundred years of its existence, this university has gained prestige among its own kind. The University of Mining and Technology of China is one of the first to award doctoral and master’s degrees.

University ranking and benefits

  • World Universities Ranking 2019- 796
  • Asia Universities Ranking 2019-76

Since the day of its formation, about 200,000 highly qualified specialists have graduated from the China University of Mining and Technology. Over the past decade, this university has received 5 state awards for discoveries in pedagogy, 3 state awards for educational benefits.

Since 2002, CUMT students have won 2,700 scientific competitions. 16 doctoral dissertations were rated “excellent” at the state level.

China University of Mining and Technology is successfully developing cooperation with other foreign universities. At the moment, agreements have already been concluded with 25 universities, world leaders in mining. Also, China University of Mining and Technology has formed a coalition with more than 10 well-known overseas universities in the international mining, energy and environment.

University composition and infrastructure

Located in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, China University of Mining and Technology covers an area of ​​about 300 hectares, of which more than a campus covers 100 hectares. The CUMT staff numbers more than 3100 people, of which 317 are professors and 478 are associate professors. Doctors of science make up 60% of the entire state. Today, the university has about 40,000 students, including about 25,800 full-time students, including 130 students from around the world.

China University of Mining and Technology owns 2 government key laboratories, 2 government engineering research centers, 1 government engineering laboratory, 3 laboratories of the Chinese Ministry of Education, 2 engineering research centers, 18 ministerial laboratories and engineering technology research centers, and the Institute of Low Carbon energy.

The university library contains over 2 million books and about 1 million electronic resources.

Admission and tuition fees

Duration of study is 4 years in bachelor’s degree, the cost is 16,000 yuan per year Postgraduate education -3 years, fees from 17,000 to 40,000 yuan per year.

The University of Mining and Technology also provides scholarships (grants) for foreign students, which can be used to pay full or partial tuition fees at all levels of education, housing fees and other university fees. The balance will be credited directly to the student’s bank account on a monthly basis. The scholarship is renewed annually based on academic performance, which must be higher than 75 points out of 100. Otherwise, the scholarship may be suspended. The university also provides a one-year scholarship to study the Chinese language.

Studying programs

CUMT offers 59 undergraduate programs, 35 first-level graduate programs, 9 vocational training programs, 16 first-level doctoral programs, and 14 postgraduate programs.

Schools and departments

  • School of mines
  • School of Safety Engineering
  • School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering
  • School of Mechatronic Engineering
  • School of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
  • School of Resource and Terrestrial Science
  • School of Chemical Engineering and Technology
  • School of Environmental Science and Spatial Informatics …
  • Electricity School
  • School of Materials Science and Engineering
  • School of Science
  • School of Computer Science and Technology
  • School of Management
  • School of Literature Law and Politics
  • School of Marxism
  • School of Foreign Studies
  • School of Art and Design
  • School of Sports
  • Sun Yueqi Honors College
  • International College
  • College of Applied Science and Technology
  • College of Adult Education


CUMT provides comfortable rooms with double occupancy at a cost of 20 RMB per day (3000 RMB per year), single room – 40 RMB per day (6000 RMB per year). Basic room amenities: beds, private bathroom, separate toilet, air conditioning, desk, broadband internet, and more.


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