Xinjiang Medical University (新疆医科大学)

About the university

Location: Urumqi, China

Official full name – Xinjiang Medical University
Traditional Chinese name is 新疆医科大学
Abbreviated – XJMU or XMU

Xinjiang State Medical University is located in the north of the city of Urumqi (Wulumuqi) in Xinjiang province and is an urban campus. It is a uniquely integrated medical institution full of ethical, endemic and regional character. In 1992, XJMU began attracting international students and offering instruction in English.

XJMU University in 1956 as Xinjiang Chinese Medical College. Approved by the Ministry of Education of China in 1998, XJMU has formally grown into a large and comprehensive medical university for teaching, treatment and research. XJMU is ratified by the PRC National Ministry of Education. An excellent teaching staff with a high sense of responsibility and extensive teaching experience will provide the best possible education for international students who wish to pursue a medical degree.

University ranking and benefits

XMU University occupies a high position in the PRC. In China, XMU is among the top 200 universities. In world practice, the institution is among the 2000 best universities.

Advantages of XMU University:

  • participation in international research and development in medical sciences;
  • participation in the PROJECT 211 program;
  • teachers offer students multidisciplinary training in two directions simultaneously.

The International College of Education has not only incorporated advanced teaching methods from overseas educational systems, but also makes good use of its own strengths and characteristics. All subjects can be taught in English.

University composition and infrastructure

In 1995, the university built a new library facility, which currently covers 16,000 m2 and has over 1.07 million books.

XJMU owns 2 key laboratories supported and 4 general laboratories supported by the regional Ministry of Education and Xinjiang Government, 8 key schools run by the PRC Administration, 11 key entities at the regional level, and 10 top-level research institutes. There are three mobile postdoctoral centers (clinical medicine, pharmacy and preventive medicine), 1 postdoctoral research station. There are also 27 doctoral degrees and 53 master’s programs. In addition, XJMU has 6 associated hospitals.

The full composition of the XMU University:

  • 1,950 teachers, of which 207 are professors and 600 doctors of various fields;
  • more than 19,000 students, of which 20% are foreigners.

At the regional level, there are 10 research institutes supported by more than 40 hospitals for medical practice located throughout the Xinjiang region, XJMU offers medical training in various fields with advanced research capabilities, which greatly expands the student’s opportunities.

Admission and tuition fees

The admission policy and admission rate at a university varies according to fields of study, degree, student citizenship or place of residence. More than 800 foreign students from 18 countries are currently studying there. Admission to XMU is made on the general basis provided for by the legislation of China. XMU is independently responsible for enrolling and teaching international students who are eager to study Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine.

Tuition fees at XMU:

  • Bachelor’s degree from 2,500 to 5,000 USD;
  • Master’s degree from 5,000 to 7,500 USD;
  • compulsory payment – 800 yuan;
  • the insurance premium is 600 yuan.

A candidate for a Bachelor’s degree must be with a successful high school diploma and excellent academic performance, and under 25 years of age.


XJMU University provides foreign students with legislative grants that entitle them to preferential tuition in the amount of 100% for undergraduate degrees. To accurately take advantage of the grant, it is necessary to apply in advance of the methods online to the XJMU Admissions Office through the official website.

Studying programs

  • Medical terms in Chinese
  • Surgery
  • Dentistry
  • Medical statistics
  • Dermatology and Venereology
  • Clinical nutrition
  • Medical ethics
  • Infectious diseases
  • obstetrics and gynecology
  • Nuclear medicine
  • Laboratory diagnostics
  • Psychiatry
  • Neurology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Otorhinolaryngology
  • Epidemiology
  • Clinical pharmacology
  • Evidence-based medicine
  • Oncology
  • Emergency
  • Forensic Medicine
  • Acupuncture
  • Inorganic and Organic Chemistry in Medicine
  • Basic care


XMU currently consists of eight medical and related colleges:

  • College of Medicine
  • College of Public Health
  • College of Traditional Medicine
  • College of Basic Health Sciences
  • Pharmacy College
  • College of Nursing Training
  • College of Continuing Education
  • Vocational college


XJMU is recognized as one of the largest universities in terms of international education in China, so more than 20% of students from around the world study here. All foreign applicants are provided with accommodation on campus in comfortable, cozy dormitories like apartments. The cost of living in a standard double room is 700-1000 yuan, the cost for a single room is 1000-1500 yuan per month. The application deadline for booking a seat is June 30th.


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