Southeast University (东南大学)

About the university

Location: Nanjing, China

Dongda, this is how the local Southeast University is called, or SEU – a university with a wide variety of specialties – physics and mathematics, humanities, social and medical. During its 100th history, it has gone through many reorganizations. Today SEU has the status of a national research university. The high level of teaching and the corresponding quality of education allowed Southeast University to enter the top 300 world universities.

University ranking and its advantages

SEU has steadfastly held a leading position not only in the ranking of educational institutions in China, but also at the global level. According to statistics, the strongest areas are engineering and technology, mathematics, computer science, which are ranked 306th, 51st and 151st respectively in the world ranking. Southeast University is a member of projects 985 and 211, supported by the Ministry of Education of the PRC.

Over the past 10 years, Southeast University staff and students have presented the results of about 1000 research papers, half of which were highly rated at the state level.

Only numbers about SEU:

  • 17th of 18 top ranked universities in China
  • 76th among Asian universities
  • 443rd among the world’s universities
  • 400th for the quality of teaching
  • 228th in the most cited

University composition and infrastructure

Southeast University is located in the southern part of China in the city of Nanjing. Picturesque landscapes of the city open directly from the windows of educational buildings.

As part of the development of international exchange, Southeast University has concluded agreements with leading educational institutions from around the world.

The university consists of 3 campuses. At the full disposal of overseas students Gulou and Pukou. The relatively new Jiangning, the largest campus, created in the best traditions of Western and Eastern culture, is located on an area of ​​more than 246 hectares.

The university employs 6,000 teachers, including 1,300 professors, 450 doctoral leaders, 9 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Technical Sciences, 28 professors of Zhang Kun Scholar. On the way to becoming a teaching staff, more than 4,000 teachers have gained tremendous experience in teaching and organizing the educational process by visiting the world’s leading educational institutions. More than 3500 foreign professionals were invited to Southeast University for joint activities.

The total number of students is over 30 thousand people, of which about 3% are foreigners from 60 countries of the world.

Each student has the opportunity to use a large library fund – more than 1.6 million books in Chinese and other languages.

The university includes 3 national research laboratories, 1 National Professional Lab, 2 national technical research centers.

Admission and tuition fees

All those wishing to become students of Southeast University must be at least 18 years old, have in their hands a certificate of secondary complete education (based on 11 grades), a passport, a document confirming the good health of the applicant. It is important to have a translation into English or Chinese of the certificate, a notarized copy of the diploma, in the case of existing professional education. After submitting the application, you must go through the routine procedure for passing the entrance exam.

The university administration adheres to world standards in education, therefore, when developing training programs, it focused on independent and research activities, reducing the number of classroom hours.

Undergraduate studies are conducted in one of the languages: Chinese or English, the cost of training is on average $ 3000 per year – the cost of training depends on both the chosen specialty and the language of instruction. It should be borne in mind that high results of the entrance exam give a chance to receive a scholarship that partially or fully covers the cost of training.

A graduate of the Southeast University, who successfully completed a course of study, is awarded a diploma that opens up prospects for employment in international companies in any country in the world.

Studying programs

The university has 69 undergraduate and 210 graduate programs, all of which are available to foreign students.

The most fashionable for studying among the specialties in the bachelor’s degree:

  • architecture and urban planning
  • industrial engineering
  • mechanical engineering
  • heat power engineering
  • art and design

If the student wishes to study further in the master’s program, both good academic performance and a high level of proficiency in the Chinese language are taken into account. training is carried out exclusively in the state language.


Bachelor’s degree (4 years course).

  • Automation
  • English language
  • Animation
  • Architecture
  • Water supply and drainage works
  • Geography
  • Urban planning
  • Civil engineering
  • Information Engineering
  • Art and design
  • Chinese language and literature
  • A computer
  • Maths
  • Materials Science
  • Mechanical engineering
  • The medicine
  • Industrial engineering
  • Nursing
  • Sociology
  • Construction of roads and bridges
  • Surveying and cartography
  • Heat power engineering, ecology
  • Transport
  • Transport technology
  • Project management
  • Physics
  • Electronic information technology
  • Japanese

Almost all of the listed specialties or related areas are available for continuing study in a master’s program.


Southeast University provides foreign students with separate dormitories with double occupancy, which have everything you need for a comfortable stay – furniture, internet, air conditioning. Payment for renting a place in a hostel is about $ 200 monthly.


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