Shanghai University of Political Science and Law (上海政法学院)

About the university

Location: Shanghai, China

Official full name – Shanghai University of Political Science and Law
Traditional Chinese name – 上海 政法 学院
Abbreviated – SHUPL

Shanghai University of Political Science and Law SHUPL State University is located in the center of Shanghai in the Sheshan area and is renowned for the high quality teaching of international students who are in their undergraduate degrees. The University attaches great importance to the comprehensive contribution to the potential and individualism of students, offering every opportunity in academic innovation and free choice of study, promoting their awareness of social responsibility and the ability to create and practice acquired knowledge.

SHUPL University was established in 1984 as the Shanghai College of Political and Legal Governance. The campus covers an area of ​​72 hectares. Following the key discipline of law, the university has a multidisciplinary system consisting of politics, economics, sociology, management, language and literature. In 2014, the university received an international qualification for students, so now you can meet students from all over the world here.

University ranking and benefits

The university occupies a high ranking position in China, namely, it is included in the TOP-200 of the best institutions in China and has a high industry rating in China – 4 In the international ranking it is included in the 800 best universities.

SHUPL is listed in the top five universities in Shanghai. It is also the “Shanghai Elire Training Base for Elite Talent” and the “Shanghai Training Base for International Talent” and is therefore one of the two key institutions in Shanghai.

The main advantages of SHUPL University:

  1. participation in the PROJECT 211 software platform;
  2. participation in international research on a global scale along with large companies;
  3. participation in a project for the international exchange of students with other countries.

Driven by a scientific development perspective, SHUPL is becoming a high-level liberal arts university with distinctive features and training of intellectuals with practical skills.

University composition and infrastructure

Currently, the university has 12 academic schools. Other departments include Graduate School, Physical Education Department, Center for Networking and Contemporary Education, and Center for Professional Development. The campus has its own Computer Center, a mock court and a criminal investigation laboratory.

SHUPL University Composition:

  • 900 teachers, of which 40% are above the level of an associate professor;
  • 10 600 students, of which 5% are foreigners.

Admission and tuition fees

Enrollment in SHUPL is carried out on a general basis according to the average score from the previous place of study.

Cost of education:

  • Language courses – 16,000 yuan;
  • Bachelor’s degree – 21,500 yuan;
  • Master’s degree – 23,000 yuan;
  • Registration required deposit – 400 yuan;
  • PhD program – RMB 30,000;
  • The sum insured is 800 yuan for the entire academic year.

The university has a system of age restrictions at the time of enrollment: Bachelor – 18-30 years old, Master’s – 18-40 years old.


SHUPL provides statutory grants only to successful students. To receive preferential education, you must have a subject complex score of at least 80. For some specialties it is enough to have a level 70. An application for a grant is submitted in advance online. The decision on the applicant is made individually.

There are currently three tiers of scholarships activated:

  • Chinese University Scholarships
  • Shanghai City Government Scholarship
  • Chinese government scholarship

Studying programs

  • international politics
  • International economics and trade
  • International economic law
  • Chinese language and literature
  • Civil and commercial law
  • Theory of law
  • Labor and social security
  • Constitutional law and administrative law
  • Criminal law
  • Procedural Law

Additional programs:

  • Environmental law
  • Financial right
  • Sociology and Social Work
  • Psychology
  • International Economy and Trade
  • Business management
  • Economics and finance
  • Journalism
  • Radio and television


  • Law school
  • School of Economic Law
  • International Law School
  • College of Criminal Justice
  • College of Economics Management
  • College of Marxism
  • College of Social Management
  • College of International Affairs and Public Administration
  • School of foreign languages, literature
  • Media College
  • College of Continuing Education
  • Vocational training center
  • Center for modern educational technologies


The SHUPL educational institution offers all nonresident students accommodation in a student residence, which is located on campus. The following payment scheme is valid:

  • double room A – 30 RMB per day
  • double room B (female) – 50 RMB per day
  • quadruple room – 20 RMB per day

You can also use a double room Lux – 50 RMB per day, which offers TV, air conditioning, security system, round the clock hot water supply, room cleaning.


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