Nanjing University of Science and Technology (南京理工大学)

About the university

Location: Nanjing, China

Nanjing University of Science and Technology is located in one of the oldest cities in China. He began his educational activity in 1953 and occupies a special place in the system of training industrial specialists.

University ranking and benefits

At the moment, the institute is listed in the list of 50 best universities in China. Both representatives of local youth and applicants from abroad strive to enter here. The university is included in the program “211”, in which it is noted as one of the most demanded polytechnic educational institutions of the Middle Kingdom.

The benefits of learning here are as follows:

  • A university diploma provides an opportunity for employment in the largest industrial companies in Asia.
  • A large number of scholarships for foreigners.
  • Active practical activity helps to better master the specialty.
  • Availability of international exchange programs.

Composition and infrastructure

The university belongs to medium-sized educational institutions. Today there are about 30,000 students studying there, with over 2,500 representatives of the teaching staff working with them. The campus of the university covers an area of ​​about 310 hectares, here are located:

  • Educational buildings.
  • Library and reading room.
  • Research centers and laboratories.
  • Athletic facilities.
  • Dormitory.

A food system is also provided to students.

Admission and tuition fees

Foreign citizens who have graduated from high school and have reached the age of majority are allowed to study at the university. It is also necessary to demonstrate good knowledge of English or Chinese (depending on the program).

The price of the language program is 18000 rmb (2850 $) per year. Long-term programs cost:

  • Undergraduate degree – 18,000 – 20,000 yuan ($ 2850 – $ 3170) per year.
  • Master’s degree – 24,000 – 36,000 yuan ($ 3170 – $ 5710) per year.
  • Doctorate – 36,000 – 44,000 yuan ($ 5710 – $ 6980) per year.

The exact price depends on the specific specialty, you can find out the specific amount before starting the submission of documents.


Nanjing University of Science and Technology is one of the few universities in the Middle Kingdom where there are grants for English-language educational programs. Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis and allocated from the PRC budget. Detailed information can be found on the official website of the educational institution.

Studying programs

Language courses at the university are long-term (duration – from one semester).

The bulk of students enter the university for an English-speaking bachelor’s degree. Among the specialties are the following:

  • International economics and trade.
  • Nanomaterials and technologies.
  • Pharmaceuticals.
  • Materials Science and Engineering.
  • Computer engineering.
  • Automation.
  • Electronic engineering.

On request, it is possible to organize admission to other areas, but they can be in Chinese.


Among the areas taught at the university, priority is given to:

  • natural Sciences;
  • engineering;
  • economics and management;
  • business (awarding graduates with an MBA degree);
  • jurisprudence;
  • humanitarian sciences;
  • pedagogy.

At the same time, the main focus is on engineering specialties.


Students from other countries have the right to live on campus, in the immediate vicinity of educational buildings. Foreigners are offered superior dormitories with amenities. Each room is designed for two people, equipped with the necessary furniture, has a separate bathroom, air conditioning, telephone and Internet connection. Room cost – 9000 rmb ($ 1425) per student per year.

The floors are equipped with kitchens where students can cook or store food. There are also token-powered washing machines (sold separately).


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