Lanzhou University of Technology (兰州理工大学)

About the university

Location: Lanzhou, China

(official full name – Lanzhou University of Technology, in Chinese – 兰州 理工 大学, abbreviated – LUT) is a well-known scientific and technical educational institution in China. LUT University is located in the vicinity of Lanzhou, Gansu Province. Education in the institution is carried out in Chinese, therefore, before entering the first year of the Bachelor’s degree, it is necessary to take language courses that last from 1 to 2 years.

The LUT was formed in 1919 as a Gansu Technical School, which did not provide higher education to its graduates. In 1958, the Ministry of China renamed the university to Lanzhou High-grade Polytechnic University. Now LUT is considered the largest public educational institution for the training of specialized specialists.

University ranking and its advantages

LUT University is ranked in the 5% of the best institutions in China and is ranked 1600 in the international ranking.

Benefits of LUT University:

  • development of 1,532 research projects that have become the property of the PRC;
  • 5,001 academic publications of various directions were published;
  • issued 252 patents, which are still popular in China.

LUT University has 15 academic disciplines of international importance, so students from different countries study here. The institution has tremendous capabilities in engineering and humanities.

University Composition and Infrastructure

The territory of the LUT University occupies 860,000 m2, on which many buildings are located, namely: 22 colleges and schools, research centers and laboratories, sports stadiums and libraries, cafes, a hostel.

The full composition of the LUT University:

  • more than 2,300 teachers, including 130 doctoral students, 390 professors, 430 associate professors;
  • more than 34,500 students, of which 7% are foreign students.

Thanks to the active participation of LUT in the international student exchange program, students have the right to take practical classes in countries such as Canada, USA, Switzerland, Russia, Australia, Japan and others.

Admission and tuition fees to LUT

Admission to LUT University is based on the average comprehensive score from the previous place of study. Successful students who have passed the HSK certified exam with the corresponding passing indicator are accepted for study.

Tuition fees at LUT per year:

  • Bachelor’s degree from 16,000 to 20,000 yuan;
  • Master’s degree from 18,000 to 32,000 yuan;
  • language preparatory program from 9,000 yuan;
  • registration mandatory fee – 600 yuan one-time.

LUT University promotes quality learning for its students and continually improves educational and teaching procedures by promoting the use of modern technology and practices.


In recent years, LUT University received the name “National Civilized Institution”, which testifies to the active investment of funds from the state. With strong support from the Ministry of Education, the institution provides legislative grants that qualify for preferential education.

Studying programs

  • Mechanical engineering
  • Materials Science and Engineering
  • Energy and Engineering Thermodynamics
  • Electrical engineering
  • Control of science and technology
  • Computer Science and Technology
  • Civil engineering
  • Agriculture
  • Chemical technology and general technology
  • Business management
  • Metallurgy of non-ferrous metals and new materials
  • Hydraulic transmission and control
  • Production information system


  • School of Materials Science and Engineering
  • School of Hydropower and Management
  • School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • School of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering
  • School of Petrochemical Engineering
  • School of Computer Engineering and Communication
  • School of Science
  • School of construction
  • School of Design and Arts
  • School of Economics and Management
  • School of Networked Education
  • School of Science and Technology
  • Foreign language School
  • School of Humanities
  • School of Continuing Education
  • School of Software
  • Physical Education Department


The LUT provides nonresident students with a student residence that is located on campus. The average cost of living in double rooms is between 20 and 30 RMB per night, which is much less than renting a room in the city on your own. Also, each student can count on good nutrition in the dining room.


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