Hunan University (湖南大学)

About the university

Location: Hunan, China

Official full name – Hunan University
Traditional Chinese name – 湖南大學
Abbreviated – HU

HU State University is a national academic institution of the highest category in the humanities and high quality education.

Hunan University is located in Changsha City, Hunan Province, a famous historical and cultural center of China. The campus is located directly at the foot of the Xiangjiang River under the Yuelu Mountains. It enjoys an excellent reputation as the “Millennium School”. HU is a national key comprehensive university directly under the leadership of the Ministry of Education and the Government of China.

The history of the foundation of HU University dates back to 976, when there was still no higher education in China. At that time, the institution was called the Huan School. The institution was officially founded in 1926 as an Institute. At present, Hunan University is a comprehensive and well-coordinated institution that studies engineering sciences with a solid foundation, a unique cultural background in the humanities, and its own characteristics in economics and management.

University ranking and benefits

HU is one of the most prestigious public research universities in the PRC. Areas such as chemistry, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, environmental engineering, industrial design and international trade programs are among the strongest in the country.

The main advantages of HU University:

  • participation in the PROJECT 985 and PROJECT 211 programs;
  • participation in research of global importance;
  • complex financing by the Ministry of Education and the Chinese government.

HU attaches great importance to international cooperation and communication, establishing partnerships with nearly 100 universities in over 30 countries and regions. Cooperation involves the exchange of teachers and students, joint research projects, the exchange of academic materials and links, as well as the joint use of international research projects and foundations of global importance.

University composition and infrastructure

HU has 30 colleges and departments, offering 12 first-order disciplines and 69 second-order disciplines that qualify for higher education. The institution has two campuses: the North Campus and the South Campus, each of which has its own student residence.

Full composition of HU University:

4,100 teachers, including more than 1,100 professors and associate professors, 16 full-time academicians, as well as many specialized specialists;
36,000 full-time and part-time students, of which more than 15% are foreigners.
The campus features ponds, many trees and many types of flowers, as well as amazing buildings and structures in the traditional style of the region. Against the background of the surrounding hills, it looks like a Chinese painting.

Admission and tuition fees

Standard admission to HU is carried out on a general basis.

Annual tuition fees at HU:

  • Registration – 400 yuan;
  • Bachelor’s degree – from 15,000 to 17,000 yuan;
  • Master’s degree – from 19,000 to 21,000 yuan;
  • Doctoral studies – from 24,000 to 26,000 yuan;
  • Refresher courses (Postdoctoral studies) – from 18,000 to 24,000 yuan;
  • language program – 15,000 yuan.

You can submit a package of documents online via the Internet by sending them to the e-mail of the educational institution.


Every successful university student is eligible for grants. Government grants include national scholarships (2000-5000 yuan / person per year), school scholarships (2000 yuan / person per year), and discounted radiation exposure. In addition, temporary assistance is provided to students who have some financial difficulties during the school period. In different situations, cash grants ranging from 1,000 to 10,000 yuan are awarded. At the same time, students who are seriously ill can apply to the Education Fund for 10,000-20,000 yuan in aid.

Studying programs

  • Architecture
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Biology
  • Business management
  • Chemistry and chemical engineering
  • Chinese language and literature
  • Civil engineering
  • Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (Computer Application Technology)
  • Design
  • Economics and Trade (International Economics and Trade)
  • Education
  • Electronic and Information Engineering
  • Environmental Science and Technology
  • Finance and statistics
  • Foreign languages ​​and international studies
  • Journalism and communication, film and television
  • Law
  • Studies in Marxism
  • Mathematics and Econometrics
  • Materials and technique
  • Mechanical engineering technology
  • Physical education
  • Physics and Microelectronics


  • Yuelu Academy
  • School of Design and Architecture
  • School of construction
  • College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
  • School of Mechanical Engineering and Transport
  • Center for Electrical Engineering and Informatics
  • School of Ecology and Engineering
  • School of Materials Science and Engineering
  • School of Computer Science and Engineering (Software Institute)
  • School of Physics and Microelectronics
  • Biological College
  • School of Mathematics and Econometrics
  • College of Business Administration
  • School of Economics and Trade
  • School of Finance and Statistics
  • Faculty of Law (Politics and Public Administration)
  • School of Journalism and Film and Television
  • Foreign Languages ​​and International Education College
  • Marxist Academy
  • College of Chinese Language and Literature
  • Sports College
  • Institute of Pedagogical Sciences


All nonresident students are eligible to reside on campus in student residences. The cost of living is from 50 to 120 yuan per day per room, depending on the number of people in the room, namely:

  • Single room – 50 RMB / day
  • Double room – 80 RMB / day
  • Apartment with 1 living room and 2 bedrooms – 800-1200 RMB / month
  • 1 living room and 3 bedroom apartment – 1200-1500 RMB / month

There are cafes, restaurants and all kinds of canteens on campus, where students can eat traditional Chinese dishes.


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