Huazhong Agricultural University (华中农业大学)

About the university

Location: Wuhan, China

Huazhong Agricultural University (Chinese: 华中农业大学, also known as Central China Agricultural University, HZAU / hau) is a multidisciplinary comprehensive university in Wuhan that prioritizes agriculture, characterized by life sciences and complemented by a combination of agriculture, basic sciences, engineering , humanities, law, economic trade and management. HZAU is the only higher education institution that has received the title of an advanced unit in the implementation of the National Program “863”.

University ranking and benefits

According to the China alumni network, in 2014, HAU was ranked 44th. His gardening took first place. Plant growing, animal husbandry and veterinary medicine took 2nd place in the National rating. In 2017, the academic ranking of world universities ranked between 401-500. In 2018, Times Higher Education ranked Huazhong Agricultural University in the 601-800 place in the world, 29 in China.

As part of the international exchange, HZAU has entered into agreements with more than 100 leading universities in the field of education, among them educational institutions in the USA, Canada, Russia, Sweden, Great Britain and France.

HAU employs 954 highly qualified teachers, of which 131 are full professors and 285 are associate professors. Academicians, two from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, two from the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 5 members of the Academic Commission of the State Council, 101 doctoral students are represented in the rank of teachers. In the past ten years, HAU has invited 100 foreigners from 32 countries for advanced education and technical training for students

University composition and infrastructure

The campuses of Huazhong Agrarian University occupy an area with a total area of ​​52 km2. These places have unique surroundings of beautiful landscapes of green lawns and rivers.
There are about 20,000 students enrolled in the various courses offered by Huazhong Agricultural University.

HZAU boasts numerous national specialized laboratories and research centers, of which there are 40.

Admission and tuition fees

For admission, a minimum package of documents is required:

  • Valid passport
  • High school diploma or equivalent
  • Receipt for payment of the organization fee -70 dollars.

All documents must be submitted with translation.

Training is conducted in two languages, the number of programs in English prevails over the number of programs in Chinese. Tuition fees range from 17,000 to 44,000 RMB per year.

Huazhong Agricultural University also provides an opportunity to receive a personal scholarship to encourage and support international excellent students for master’s and doctoral studies. The scholarship provides full coverage of tuition fees, free housing, with monthly payments in the range of 2,500 yuan per month, and free comprehensive health insurance.

Studying programs

There are 48 undergraduate programs, 87 graduate programs, 54 doctoral majors and 7 postdoctoral majors.

Faculties and directions of study

  • Agriculture and forestry
  • Chinese language and culture
  • Economics and Management
  • Pedagogy
  • Law and philosophy
  • Literature and art
  • The medicine
  • Science and technology


There are dormitories on campus for students in need of housing.

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