Hezhou University (贺州学院)

About the university

Location: Hangzhou, China

Official full name – Hezhou University
Traditional Chinese name – 贺州学院
Abbreviated – HZU or HU

HZU State University is a national, state and multidisciplinary institution authorized by the PRC Ministry of Education. The attractive campus is adorned with many rare and beautiful trees, making the institution a Green College. The facility is located at the junction of the three provinces of Hunan, Guangxi and Guangdong, so the transport interchange is at the highest level.

HZU was founded in 1943 as the National Community College. Now the university focuses on technology, science and management, and forms a good situation in the coordinated development of multidisciplinary fields such as education, literature and art.

University ranking and benefits

HU University is one of the 500 best educational institutions in the PRC, where foreign students study. As of the beginning of 2018, the university has won 129 projects for teaching reform in the autonomous and state regions. Students still participate in various competitions and have already won 1,641 awards at the autonomous region level. During its existence, 773 research projects have been carried out at various levels, including 9 national projects of the national scientific foundation, which have borne fruit for the state.

The main advantages of HZU University:

  • cooperation with leading universities of world importance;
  • participation in various scientific research;
  • technological developments for government needs.

The university has established close cooperation with more than 20 universities in the UK, Thailand, Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia and other countries of the world. The university adheres to a people-centered policy for highly professional staff training. University students achieve the best results not only in student competitions, but also in world-class developments.

University composition and infrastructure

HU has two campuses: East and West, which together cover a total area of ​​more than 52 hectares, buildings and structures with a total area of ​​220,000 m2. On campuses, there are cozy school buildings, laboratories, administrative centers, student apartments and canteens, as well as cultural squares surrounded by artificial lakes. The student library deserves special attention, with more than 637,000 printed and 150,000 electronic books and publications.

The full composition of the HZU University:

  • 950 teachers, of which 50% have senior titles;
  • 15,500 full-time and part-time students, where 5% of them are foreigners.

As of December 2017, the university has 16 faculties, including the School of Culture and Communication, the School of Foreign Languages, and the School of Chemistry and Bioengineering. In addition, there are 2 colleges of education (the International College of Education and the College of Continuing Education), which provide 41 undergraduate degrees and 14 professional specialties.

Admission and tuition fees

Standard admission to HU is carried out according to the established rules of the Ministry of Education of the PRC. Moreover, there are no age restrictions for incoming applicants. Therefore, training can be carried out by persons from 18 to 60 years old.

Annual tuition fees at HZU:

  • Undergraduate studies – from 13,000 to 17,000 yuan;
  • Master’s degree – from 15,000 to 23,000 yuan;
  • Doctorate – 25,000 yuan.


International students can look forward to receiving grants from the Chinese Ministry of Education. To receive a discounted tuition fee, you must apply online in advance.

Studying programs

  • Software development
  • Mechanical design and manufacturing and automation
  • Electrical Engineering and Automation
  • Electronic Information Engineering
  • International economics and trade
  • Financial management
  • Tourism
  • Economics and Law
  • Bioengineering
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Physicists
  • Electronic Information Engineering
  • Architectural activity
  • Food technology


  • School of Culture and Communication
  • School of Economics and Management
  • College of Economic Management
  • College of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Foreign language School
  • Center for Education and Music
  • School of Mechanics and Electrical Engineering
  • School of Nutrition and Bioengineering
  • Research Institute of Food Sciences and Engineering Technologies
  • School of Mathematics and Computing
  • Institute of Tourism and Sports
  • School of Political and Historical Studies
  • School of Design and Arts
  • School of Architecture and Engineering
  • College of Applied Technology
  • Restaurant Management College
  • School of Information and Communication Engineering
  • Institute of Food Science and Technology
  • Department of Physics and Electronic Information Engineering
  • School of Materials and Environmental Engineering (study of calcium carbonate)


All nonresident students have the right to live on campus in ennobled student dormitories. Average cost of living is from 40 to 90 RMB per night per person, depending on the room chosen.

The HU institution actively promotes modern education and training reform, strives to improve the quality of personnel training, and constantly expands research capabilities and standards.



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