Beijing Jiaotong University (Weihai) 北京交通大学

About the university

Location: Weihai, China

(the official name of the full Beijing JiaoTong University, abbreviated BJTU) is the best leading educational institution in the field of mechanical engineering, transport and electrical engineering. The university directly affects the integrated development of the transport system of the whole of China, since dozens of the best specialists graduate annually, who continue their activities in the railway and road transport sectors.

Peking University BJTU was founded in 1896, but to this day it holds a high bar in the field of education on a global scale. Thanks to active funding from the government, as well as the China Railway Corporation, the university is a successful platform for promoting programs related to engineering, electrical engineering, transportation and automation.

University ranking and benefits

Peking State University of Transport and Engineering was one of the first institutions to be included in the PROJECT 211 and PROJECT 985 programs, which indicates active funding not only by the Chinese Ministry of Education, but also by large companies that are interested in attracting new qualified personnel to their organizations.

The main advantages of BJTU:

  • active cooperation with major transport companies in China;
  • high ranking indicators, both in China and around the world;
  • highly qualified training in the IT direction.

Profile training on the Bachelor’s course for foreign students is also possible in English, which automatically opens the door to a large number of foreign students. Indeed, in the world ranking, the university occupies from 150 to 200 positions in modern computer technology and engineering, and in China the institution is the second most important in transport technology.

Composition and infrastructure

Beijing Transport University is located in a picturesque resort area in the Haidian District on the seaside. It is here, in the new building, that foreign students are trained. The ecologically clean environment of the area contributes to the successful assimilation of the material. Profiled training is carried out by highly qualified teachers and specialists from China.

Full composition of BJTU University:

  • more than 1450 teachers, of which half are professors, associate professors and narrow-profile specialists from large transport companies;
  • over 21,000 students from 55 countries.

The BJTU University new campus is located near the city center in an ecologically clean area. Students undergo intensive training at the university and also lead an active life after graduation. Students have at their disposal numerous student communities that help not only in the educational process, but also in the acquisition of additional skills. For example, communities of foreign languages, painting, literature, journalism, dance, football, tennis and many other industries.

Admission and tuition fees

Admission to the Beijing Transport University is carried out on a general legislative basis, that is, the student must provide a Certificate based on 11 grades and an international standard passport. In this case, the certificate must be translated into English or Chinese in advance and certified by a notary.

After successful enrollment, students are provided with the following training base:

  • training and research centers;
  • laboratories;
  • libraries;
  • sports centers and stadiums;
  • dormitory, kitchen.

China Transport University BJTU offers international students short-term preparatory courses for successful undergraduate enrollment. The term of study takes from 6 months to 1 year and is 9,000 yuan and 20,000 yuan, respectively. The curriculum includes almost all generally accepted specialties, as well as the Chinese language and culture.

The cost of a full training course is:

  • in English (bachelor’s degree) – 29,000 yuan / year;
  • in Chinese (bachelor’s degree) – 22,000 yuan / year;
  • compulsory registration fee – 500-600 yuan;
  • in Chinese (Master’s degree) – 30,500 yuan.

Master’s studies range from 2 to 4 years, depending on the chosen direction.


International students are eligible to take advantage of legal grants provided by the Ministry of Science and Education of China. The grant program applies only to the first year of study and is 100%, 50% or 20% discount for the full course. Each candidate is considered on an individual basis, which takes into account the average score in the subjects and the results of the IFP preparation. At the same time, the comprehensive score for academic performance in subjects must be at least 65. To confirm grants in subsequent years of study, each student repeatedly submits all the necessary documents.

Studying programs

The National Beijing Transport University provides foreign students with training in English as well without passing the mandatory HSK certification in Chinese language proficiency.

In English, such directions for the Bachelor’s degree are available as:

  • Development and implementation of software;
  • Software development, mechanical engineering and automation;
  • Communication Engineering and Transport;
  • Information and engineering transport informatics.

After successfully completing their Bachelor’s studies, foreign students have the right to further study at the Master’s degree, but this time in Chinese. To do this, students must pass the mandatory HSK certification and receive a level not lower than the 4th degree.


Peking University of Transportation Engineering provides specialized effective training in modern specialties.

Bachelor in English (4 year course):

  • Engineering;
  • Science and transport technologies;
  • Business and Management;
  • Languages ​​and Literature;
  • Law.

A full-fledged Master’s course takes up to 4 years of study, the program of which includes Economics, Higher Engineering, Transport Business and International Management.


Accommodation of foreign students is carried out in comfortable hostels, in the rooms of which there is all the necessary furniture, air conditioning, TV. You can choose a room with an individual shower and toilet. The approximate cost of living is from 50 to 60 RMB per day.

Meals are served in the canteen, which costs about 800 RMB per month. Also, students can cook on their own in specially equipped kitchens or visit canteens off campus.

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