China Youth University of Political Studies (中国青年政治学院)

About the university

Location: Beijing, China

China Youth University for Political Sciences (abbreviation – CYU) is a popular Chinese university located in Beijing. The educational institution was founded in 1948. The university has an urban campus located in Beijing.

Despite the fact that the university does not have a rich history, it is popular among foreign students. This educational institution has a strong School of Law and Politics. The University constantly publishes its progressive scientific works on the topics of government, culture, achievements in the social sphere, forensics and journalism.

This university is highly valued among Chinese and foreigners also because for some time its director was Hu Jintao, who eventually took over as President of the PRC.

University ranking and its advantages

The university is included in the TOP-100 of the best universities in China, confidently taking the 75th place in the ranking. Its advantage is that for students who do not know the language well, CYU offers an effective and well thought out intensive program. After studying it, the student is guaranteed to reach the level of the new HSK-4.

The advantages include the fact that the university employs 1,690 teachers, among them – 510 professors and associate professors, 126 qualified scientific leaders. Therefore, the university is very proud of the teaching staff.

University composition and infrastructure

The university is represented by multi-storey knowledge, where lectures and practical classes are held, a multi-storey campus, which offers accommodation for nonresident and foreign students. Within the university there are libraries, canteens, in which a student can eat well (you can pay for dishes and pastries bought in the canteen either in cash or with a specially issued meal card).

Admission, training programs, cost

CYU offers a large number of training programs at affordable prices.

The preparatory program offers annual tuition for RMB 27,000 per year. A prerequisite is payment of the registration fee, which is 500 yuan.

You can study the short-term Chinese language program (duration of study 2-12 weeks) for 2,000 – 8,800 yuan.

The standard Chinese language program for foreign students is offered at a price of 9,000 yuan (if the student already had basic knowledge of the Chinese language and was able to complete the program in 1 semester). If a student had to spend 2 years to master the program, the tuition fee would be 35,000 yuan (17,500 yuan per year). There are two requirements for applicants – age over 18 and the fact of graduation.

The Intensive Chinese Language Program costs 13,500 RMB 1 semester. Annual tuition for this program costs 25,000 yuan. If the applicant decides to apply for the fall semester, he must submit the package of documents to the selection committee on July 30. For the spring semester, documentation is collected on December 30th.

A bachelor’s degree in the national Chinese language, which can be reached after 4 years of study at CYU, costs 24,000 yuan per year. A prerequisite is payment of the registration fee, which is 500 yuan.

If a student decides to get a bachelor’s degree in English after studying for 4 years at a university, the annual tuition for him will cost 41,000 yuan per year.

A master’s program in Chinese, which involves a 2-3 year study period, is offered at a cost of RMB 27,000 per year.


Education in China today is increasingly being received by citizens of Kazakhstan for the reason that they (and other foreigners) are given the opportunity to receive a grant for education in this country. The grant implies an opportunity to study in China at almost the same price as Kazakhstani universities offer to get an education.

Unfortunately, CYU is not included in the list of Beijing universities that offer foreigners to receive a study grant.


If a student decides to become a bachelor studying in Chinese, he will be offered by the CYU university such specialties as:

  • international economy and trade relations;
  • radio broadcasting and television;
  • economy;
  • cash management;
  • international journalism;
  • journalism;
  • law and jurisprudence.

Only those students who initially chose the specialty “International Economics and Trade” will be able to obtain a bachelor’s degree in English.

Students who studied in the specialty “World Economy” can get a master’s degree.


CYU is always happy to welcome foreign students, so the university’s management has made sure that foreign citizens can comfortably live on the university campus. Payment for living in a university hostel is democratic.

Students are offered the opportunity to stay in fully equipped apartments. Each room on the campus has an independent bathroom with 24 hours hot water, air conditioning, TV, Internet access and telephone communication. Each floor of the university has its own kitchen with the necessary electrical appliances for cooking. The hostel reception works around the clock.

For students who decide to stay in a double room, the cost of accommodation will be 50 yuan per day. A single room costs RMB 85 per night.

CYU is a progressive Peking university, the interest in which is constantly growing among foreigners. Therefore, if you have not yet decided on an educational institution in China, pay attention to the China Youth Political Science University.


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